
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Welcome to Your English 122

Welcome to your English 122 at the University of Northern Colorado.

 Right now this sight is under construction. You have received the email by now introducing you to the your English 122 course and inviting you to join this course blog. So join by using the email line in the menu on the right side of this page. Earn your first 3 points for the course by signing up early. In a few days I will post your syllabus here so that you can review it and print a copy for the first day of class. Enjoy the end of summer. See you soon. In the meantime you can email me at my university email: You can also leave a comment here if you have something to say. Just remember that at the moment this is an open and public forum that anyone can read.

Your English 122 Syllabus is now ready to be viewed. I will email it to you so that you can print it for the first day of class. Click on the link on the left menu.