
Monday, September 7, 2015

This Week: Submitting Your Essay to Safe Assign on Blackboard and Writing Better Sentences

Our first writing assignment, the personal narrative will be due on Thursday. I am excited to read your first essay and to get to know a little about you.

I have scheduled Safe Assignment to open at 11:55 AM, September 8 so that you can upload your essay to Safe Assignment by 11:55 PM, September 9. Follow this link for directions on how to upload your assignment to SA. You will find the link in Course Materials and Assignments tabs.

How to upload to Safe Assign

This week we begin our grammar lessons, beginning with Writing Better Sentences. See if you can identify your most serious sentence problems and be willing to discuss them.

Homework: Grammar Exercise Due Thursday

Do Comma Exercise 1 on the OWL. Print your exercise screen  before you check the answers. Then review the answers and, hand in the corrected answers on the print-out.

Visit another self testing grammar web site: Grammar CCC Commnet. Do one more exercise of your choice for either sentence problems that you have or comma problems. Print and turn in.

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