
Monday, October 12, 2015


The articles that I have posted here have to do with students' transition from home to college life, from a predetermined high school curriculum to discovering and planning your major, from being a teen to an adult, from a parental structured life to self determination.

So I ask you, how prepared are you to make these transitions? Are you resilient, or as this article discusses, do you have the grit that it takes to face not just the day-to-day problems that life presents, but to accept the challenges, defeats, setbacks, and dilemmas that life in general presents?

Psychologist, Dr. Hurd continues the discussion from the other two articles that I have already posted. This article offers perhaps a solution to lack of presumed resilience that some college officials have recognized.

Let me note that in my years of teaching, I have found students do grow resilient and strong. They may arrive at UNC bewildered, lost, scared, unsure of themselves, but they grow and develop into fine adults able to meet the challenges life throws their way.

'Helicopter Colleges' Confront the Lack of 'Grit' in College Students

Read these articles then tell me what you think in the comment section below.


  1. After reading this article, I feel like there is a lot to relate too here and understand. The author truly knows the struggle of being a college student and that makes me more interested in reading what she has to say.

  2. I believe the article is very relatable as well. Especially in the beginning when the article talks about how students are scared to fail, which is true. People are scared to take risks in fear of rejection or failure.

  3. I definitely agreed with everything the author had to say. I can relate to portion where the author says that we rely on our parents and teachers to help us out when we are struggling. Also where it says that students now think that Cs are unacceptable and are scared to take risks. I'm glad that this author really understands and can speak for the students like this.

  4. I definitely agree that there are many students who either rely on their parents more than they should, or take too much on their plates and do not know how to handle it. I am glad someone is speaking out about this, because it really needs to be addressed.
